Sunday 28 September 2014


SSS white tees 71
          red tees  72

Situated high on the sand dunes to the north-west of the town of Perranporth, Perranporth golf course was designed by James Braid in 1927 and it is clear that very little structural work was done in building the course.  It follows the natural contours of the dunes and consequently there are a lot of blind shots so local knowledge is very helpful.  The greens are excellent but the fairways were worn after a dry summer.  The views over Perran Bay and the beach are spectacular but inland from the course the caravan park spoils the ambience. We played it on a sunny day with light breezes and found it extremely challenging and tiring - it must be almost impossible when the wind blows.  The holes are named in the Cornish language with helpful English translations such as Whym Wham (This way and that), Cowan Nuggies (Gremlins) and Uthek (Formidable).  It will be memorable for us as we watched the European team win the Ryder Cup in the clubhouse after our round.

Worth playing?  Perhaps this course improves with familiarity but the number of blind shots precludes it from greatness.  It is certainly not for the faint-hearted!

The view to the town of Perranporth

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